Sangeeta Sirinthipaporn

✅In-Person Treatment Program - Done!✅

One of the first clients to opt for the In-Person Treatment Program completed the whole program with great improvements! 

Thank you for trusting Sangeeta with balancing and realigning your health with nature, and for the kind words you have left for us below:

Ayurveda and Indian holistic health treatments dates back for thousands of years. I respect the knowledge and wisdom passed on from generation to generation. Of course, this is well documented. Sangeeta, my Ayurvedic Practitioner, teaches all around Thailand, training professionals how to master the treatments for maximum benefit.

I am honored to have met this very humble lady. We have spent sessions together in a beautiful organic farm by a beautiful stream surrounded by a tranquil restaurant in the countryside, leaving the busy Chiang Mai behind. I am told my body has improved whilst been given treatment in the last couple of weeks.

Sangeeta has shared a wealth of knowledge with me. I am very grateful to her. She is here to help people in her entirety. She represents how life should really be – peace, harmony, freedom.

I didn’t want to leave today after our meeting. I was sad to go. After the care and beautiful nature of this wonderful lady, I am forever grateful our paths have crossed 🙏😊🙏😊  

Thank you so much 🙏