Sangeeta Sirinthipaporn

Consult with Sangeeta

Ayurveda Treatment & Consultation

Talk to Sangeeta

Book a slot now!

Before committing to a Treatment Session or Program, you can speak with Sangeeta to understand what to expect from a Treatment Session or Program.

Check out her available dates and book a FREE meeting with Sangeeta!

Disclaimer: This is NOT a Treatment Consultation/Session. If you would like Sangeeta to help you with your ailments, please refer to the services below.

Single Treatment Session

Using her 20+ years of knowledge in the field of Ayurveda, Acupressure, Aromatherapy, and Meridians, Sangeeta is here to jump start you to a healthier and natural lifestyle:
Online or In-Person!

A Treatment Session with Sangeeta is divided into TWO distinct parts:

  • Assessment

    Many factors play a role in creating imbalances in your body that ultimately lead to problems. This is an opportunity for Sangeeta to assess factors like:
    Your Ailments - what your main complaints are
    💼 Your Lifestyle - occupation, sleeping patterns, hobbies and activities
    🥘 Your Diet - special attention is given to Diet since it has a major impact
    🧍🏽Your Ayurvedic Body Type - Natural Elements that are unique to you do have subtle effects on your Body and Mind
    🦶🏼 Acupressure Analysis* - this can reveal what is happening inside your body
    *Applicable to In-Person Treatment Session Only

  • Treatment

    After the Assessment, Sangeeta will be able help you with a customized set of Treatment Methods depending on what you need. Treatment Methods include:
    ✅ Acupressure Reflexology*
    ✅ Meridian Therapy*
    ✅ Shirodhara*
    ✅ Cranio-sacral Therapy (CST)*
    ✅ Recommending self-implemented Balancing Measures
    *Applicable to In-Person Treatment Session Only

Price of Treatment Sessions

Online In-Person

฿ 900*
(1 Hour)

฿ 1,500*
(1 Hour 30 Minutes)

*USD available when paying

Book now!

In-Person Treatment Program

A Treatment Session with Sangeeta will definitely help you understand what your body is going through and allow Sangeeta to work on your main ailments through Natural Therapies. What if Sangeeta could help you after the Treatment Session?

To see noticeable change in your body, we recommend you to go for a Treatment Program where Sangeeta will be able to iron out major and minor imbalances as well. Check out our Program options below:

In-Person Treatment Program

฿4,500 ฿3,990*
*USD available when paying
  • 3 In-Person Treatment Sessions
    (1 hour 30 minutes each)
  • Program Lifetime: 45 days
Book a Program now!